Unified Signal Deal

**I think the Unified deal is going to be absolutely huge once we are ready. Follow the link and look at the Unified site, i think this has everything to do with ETN. Not to mention all the other early deals. **

What do you guys think?


Yessss, very good eye

Awesome that`s great.

Awesome find @MUENORTCELE this is very very interesting and really awesome if they would work together and yes i agree that would be huge news let alone all other partnerships that they already achieved :sunglasses: Who knows there are a lot of partnerships we don’t even know about yet but are already here or in the making :yum::rocket:

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Interesting!! Thanks for sharing.


what happened to this deal ? :slight_smile:

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I think its in the building stage. These deals take a long time to set-up.

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Time to fomo buy their stock? :slight_smile: