Uncovering the truth

Youre right about a few things. I think people are blaming whales and miners for providing a necessary service (no miners = no block chain). Theyre lashing out at what gives us supply because the demand is not there. As soon as we get the demand (and subsequent hike in price) no one will care about sell bots, miners or dumpers one way or the other.


Can you educate me on the empty block thing? I mean why would they not want to have the transactions in the block they mine? Do they not get more reward through the transaction costs that are in the block if they include all the transactions?

Yeah, I think the bot trading has been portrayet as an evil thing for no reason. Just buy from them when they sell low and that is good thing for you :smile: their supply will end at some point.

Yeah you make a good point. Now I think i generalized the chinese miners too much. But what I tried to talk about was just miners all over the world that are only mining to ROI their ASICs and do not care about the projects future or potential.

Sorry, I have not read your explanation of black whales. But I just do not like to talk about things with weird terms, since that makes it harder to talk about or to others get into who do not know the definition of the word.


To win the next block they try to increase the chance by reducing the “difficulty” by focus the hash power to do the block by excluding the transaction. Transaction hawe the benefits of adding Fees, but i am way out of my league of going further in to depth of this subject, but this is the way i was explained how this work, and that have been the way i have seen that subjekt. I might be wrong and there’s better people than me to do the in depth explanation.

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When watching the exchanges there have been some strange occurring incidents when they push down the price when they esely could have got a better price for the coin. It could be bots that trade ageinst them self or some one that wants to push the ETN projekt down, i can’t explain that but its a fenomen that got the name black whale.

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That empty block thing sounds like it can be solved by changing the reward system to prioritize the blocks that have transactions in them. Lets say if the block is empty, you get only 80% of the reward or something like that.

I still do not like the black whale term :sweat_smile: I think it would be easier to discuss about big sell walls and how they are changing their price position. We can only speculate on their intetions of doing so untill one of them actually talks about what they are going for with their behaviour. Or maybe some stock market veteran could tell us what the intentions are behind such actions. But the explanation should be based on facts and proof of past performance.


I think the asic update was an attempt to address this problem. I also think it has been suggested many times to dramatically reduce the block reward to help with this issue as well. That might cause a problem with the block chain though, if you remove the block rewards then bigger miners may move on to more profitable coins?

From the information you get from whattomine. There is basically no competition for ETN in the coins that are mined with cryptonight algorithm. The other ones that are anywhere near to being profitable enough do not have the trading volume to back up the hashing power that ETN has. So if the big miners decided to mine let’s say Sumokoin, they couldn’t sell their coins in any exchange without dumping the price of the coin.
So even if they halved the mining profits only the miners with high electricity costs would have to go away. Those that can still compete after electricity would stay because ETN is the only coin with the volume.
Bytecoin seems to have the volume but no where near the profitability.

But in my view cutting the block reward would not help in the empty block subject. I think I pointed out better solution above. But take my view with a grain of salt because I am not a blockchain expert, I am just a computer science student trying to understand these things :blush:

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Yes. All moderators can remove posts, unfortunately individual users currently can not remove or police their posts. As we move forward this may change but as of now the community is still growing and the staff are watching everything from the sidelines.

People creating problems and causing troubles will be warned, and other action can and will be taken on their accounts. I understand there is some difference of opinion and we are watching that, if it becomes an issue we will address the individuals in question.

Please enjoy the forum it was made for all of you.



I would really appreciate if you could remove all the posts from this thread that are just back and forth about something that is not about the main topic or anywhere near the subject "Exchanges / future / price " or even about ETN in general. I did not intent this thread to be a place for people to fight out the problems they have with each other. Please help me with this :pray: If you can not give the rights to someone to moderate a single thread. If you can give me moderator rights I can promise you I will not use them anywhere else for any reason. If I do you can ban me for ever. I am KYC lvl 2 account.

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Dear @Kahvia

I have removed the conversation per your request.

Enjoy your day


Perfect! This is exactly what I would have done too. Thank you, really appreciate your effort! :blush:

Well done, M System. It’s good to have you here.