Unable to sync blockchain

Downloaded the raw blockchain file ~15GB and when I try and import it so that I can transfer ETN from my paper wallet, I get a “Error in deserialization of chunk” message.

I have downloaded the blockchain.raw file twice now and it still gives the same error message. I even tried to sync from block 1 but after 7 hours it had only done about 80,000 blocks out of nearly 600,000!

If you have problems importing raw, just sync it from block 1.
Remember to use the lastest from github

It might take 1-2 days to finish and uses 36++ GB of space on your drive


The reason for this is because the blockchain.raw is for the old codebase (v8 expects fields :signatory and signature in a block). I’ll get my colleague to upload a new blockchain raw soon. However if you want to get around this in the meantime, if you’re compiling our code, you can do
git checkout release/v2.1.1.1,
do the import,
and then git checkout release/v3.0.0.0, recompile.

This will work.