Trade volume growth

Has anyone been keeping tabs on the volume traded?
Currently, we’re over 12 Million US in the last 24 hours. Is this new interest all from the new exchange that was added recently?

yes. it’s from Huobi but on one pair only, etn/eth i.e. not on etn/btc

Its most likely wash trading because of the comperition on Huobi. Real volume is smaller…


I don’t know what is wash trading…

Its like selling to yourself…sell-buy…


aaa ok .

but I guess Huobi can see this and exclude washtraders from the ongoing competition. or Huobi doesn’t care as it gets the trading fees twice?


Dont know…it could be a problem if they are buying-selling friend to friend…hm…

if friends are involved then the winning should be shared in secret

really dont know…this is what i managed to catch from guys talking in Moonwalk club…it may be false statement :slight_smile:

24h Volume is at 12.7M right now. Surely the contest on Huobi to win 5.7M ETN
But selling-buying to yourself costs you fees each transaction.