Too late to get in under a cent?

What’s everyone’s thoughts on electroneums prices? Is it too late to buy in under a cent, or will there be another chance down the road. Of course I’m broke haha! If anyone wanted to send me some charity etn my address is in my profile. I’d beyond grateful to have a bit more than my 200 before prices skyrocket

I dont know about cents but You could just put a buy order at 120 sats. Its possible that it will correct to around there :slight_smile:. If you plan to hold for a long time it doesnt matter so much where you buy now.


Don’t worry about it too much - When you get some cash just buy in. The long term will pay off and a few sats won’t be that much of a difference - don’t be afraid of missing out - its very early days for crypto. I was in the same boat I got some at 123 then at 99 but wanted to get more at 82 and had no money so next chance to buy in will likely be 150 or something. Its ok though still better than my first buy in at 20 cents haha . It all works out in the end.

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I first bought in at 13 cents and been buying ever since and will continue until it hits 5 maybe 10 cents.


I agree with @Mulder its not to late and it might still dip down but i think it will slowly move up and dip down now and then when you can buy in just buy in because i think the future holds way bigger numbers then we would think of right now we are still early in and Electroneum is still just a baby growing to become a toddler :wink:

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Even at 5-10cents is not even late.

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Very strongly agree with this with price note.

Yup I agree @M-Kid I doubt that it will still get under a penny still and the best time to buy was yesterday every time it went up in the last days I think till 0,05 cents is still a great buy for sure we can hit much much higher in the future :wink: