Thinking About A Fully Established Electroneum Ecosystem

We may have some more variables to add in Q2 :+1:

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500k users in 1 month need 5.6b etn if buying the largest datapack then in 2 months the premined less than 8b etn runs out. will the whole system stop if users don’t get etn airdrops?


if i recall richard said , part of the ecosystem is vendor/agent can sell etn to its customer due to strong demand

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That is why price must go up. :wink: Then less airdrops per person.

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price goes up if there are buyer demand. those 500k users are not buyers as they have no money

Yes I have said that many times. I am saying the price must go up to reduce the airdrops per person so the uptake incentive reaches more users towards mass adoption.


agreed. but who will be the buyers?

how you sure they cant be a buyer?

they are consumer they buy for their own benefits, if etn can give some small benefits from their data consumption why not?

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I hope you are right but we’ll see😄

The buyers are from high income countries, large equity investors (we had one visit here recently), esp those focused on unbanked, associated NGOs and major corporations (mobile/retail).

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IMO there should be at least 1 million active buyers for the price to go to the 10 $ cents range ($1> price > $0.1). what is your guess how many buyers do we have now?

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Hard to say but no where near 1 million lol :wink: lol But Electroneum is gaining good liquidity and seemingly corporate investors (early). Give it another 3 months for trials and 3 to 9 months for the mobile and retail deals to emerge/trigger.


This is partially why I wrote this thread. It is supply and demand. If the ecosystem demands to many coins as you mentioned the supply won’t be able to cover, therefore the price must rise to cover demand with the supply. When the price moves up the amount of coins required for demand goes down. Those coins being used in the ecosystem will also not be readily available on exchanges they will be floating around the ecosystem being used which will also making them more “rare” to investors on exchanges.


What a great read this was.


Much appreciated, I wrote this late one night, while thinking deeply of the future, imo, and decided to write up what I was thinking. :zap:

:bow_and_arrow: :bow_and_arrow: :bow_and_arrow:


Employers, contractors and sub-contractors using ETN for payment. That I do believe is a whole another level which brings a form of solidity if achieve. Why? Because for most that is what feeds the family or themselves, allows a livelihood which becomes most important for many in life.

It is people, communicating, having faith/acceptance of a form of payment with bigger numbers giving a more general consensus of value. Money can be anything and it has been, gold, silver, barter and even paper. The key is belief and acceptance which mostly comes from if it can be counted, traced and is reliable. Like rules of a football game, once accepted people fall in line, pay big bucks, time and risk injury to play it, the greater the numbers, the more important it all seems.

My thoughts and 2 cents.


Great perspective and very true, thanks for writing this out. This adds a whole other layer to the ecosystem and Imo at some point employers and employees will want to be paid in Etn. Thanks again for writing this up :+1::wave:



I put some of Anastasia’s stickers on my work truck. No-one has approached me yet. Only been a few days. I would do a few small jobs for fun with ETN payment, but we would need a lot of demand before I would do much, because I fear the accounting and tax implications. My accountant might hate me lol


And you guys thought I was joking about “the car that pays you back.”

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