The Fight the ETN Dump Club Here Thread

I wonder when the full second podcast will be released?? It looks like a good one!

Monday I think, I cannot remember but I’m sure it’s ‘soon’!

Yeah, even if people don’t use it to buy stuff it’s great publicity, tons of people will get to hear about ETN that wouldn’t have done otherwise, especially if the webmasters make a special announcement when they add it as a payment option.

I’m going to have a go at this soon, to be honest I don’t expect to make many ETN sales, but it’s there for the future. Soon every eBay customer will be getting a little note about how they can buy for 20% less!


Interesting speculation! Hopefully some ETN involvement here and some way to get around the government restrictions that are also holding up the Xius deal.

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That is a nice find, 100 million users with a average of 5 ETN each…do the math and dream about the price fore 1 ETN


If they are able to purchase off mobile streams site imo once agreement is live we should see some payments made with Etn. Imo they are also working on upgrading kyc to get everyone accounted for and are definitely working to get xius agreement further along.

Thank you I’ve been digging for info today :+1:
I agree this is very nice. The potential is great here. I like math. :zap:

Talking telcos I was surfing today and as a matter of coincidence came across ZAIN.
It operates in the target regions.well established.
(If you want to know and probably didnt)
“Zain” is a powerful name referring to beauty and grace.


This is Fantastic news for us…:+1:


Just posted by the Director of Electroneum Chris Gorman. It’s a great read! :zap::zap::zap:


What is the link to vote please? Thank you…

Here you go ! Get your daily vote in ! :+1:

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So M-Kid made a community fomo, from a small manipulation, and took profits all the way back down to here? That would be a twist in the tale.


Now that’s what I’m talking about! Nice find.

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This is too much… Sooo many squirrels… :face_vomiting:

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Yea there was something other than bots, miners and fomo going on. Interesting times we are in…


When M-Kid started this push to get the price of ETN up, ETN was under 100 sats. If he were crashing the market to take profits, it wouldn’t be at 206 sats right now. The problem is that we need NEW money in this coin. The community has done a great job, but they need reinforcements. Once we get KYC online, we will start to get a lot of new money into this coin.


Agreed, its interesting with kyc, I can see people saying when it will be live, but it already is, and the sign up process for new users has changed. So its all implemented. After the ‘go live’ date, it will just be mandatory. And some old accounts will get locked out forever. If its proved they were farming or fake. Those that didn’t want have already gone or moved to paper /CLI. So won’t affect the progress with app and partners. Unless partners will want all holders kyc’d. Who knows?

I certainly believe there is nefarious activity going on behind the scenes on a couple of the exchanges to manipulate the price. However, we should be careful naming an individual as being a part of such activity, unless we have proof of such. Let’s keep libel out of this mix. :slight_smile:


No, not you, but user “3babf70bcfdf24cd84b7” did. I don’t think he was intending ill will, but rather talking out-loud without caution.

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