The ETN Fomosapien Rocket To Mars’ Moons Club. Vol2; It’s all about the Gig

I would say that most projects that pump are done by a outside force not realistic use case. Richard said there ICO money is used for the project and not to pump the price. I would say this happens more often then not. Natural long steady growth is very fruitful in the end.


I would just like to see some positive price movement. I go agree that it seems like good news does move price for day or two then it drops right back to where it was or further. I have never sold and continue to buy small amounts when I’m able. Just thought it would be much further along then it is now. Love this coin, RE has such a great vision and I’m convinced that one day this will all be behind us but sometimes just need the support of the community to get past these down days. I don’t have the same personality as @Plankton_ETN, he is always positive and upbeat. One of my favorite community members.


Hey we all get down every now and then. We will be ok just keep your head up.


There are others that share your sentiments regarding price but do really not vocalise it. I think most of us believe the price does not in anyway equate to value. If this was a project listed on the FTSE 100 or FTSE 250 then ETN would be highly valued and sought after.

I think @MSystem sums it up really well. We have to show patience and ignore price for the time being. One day, and I have no idea when it will be, it will all just fall into place and the sentiment/demand will drastically change for the better.

Just for you @Micron, there is “probably” going to be an announcement tomorrow, so you have something to look forward to. It is not a guaranteed but highly likely :slight_smile:


Must say a solid idea and support team expansion required. Specially app must have both Fiat and etn top-up option where people could find some promotion cashbacks in comparison to Fiat .

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Little update!


Why do we not have a US exchange listing - is it a regulation thing?

What tomorrow? *possible.

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My guess is Country in Asia region.


I am glad we didn’t launch a year earlier, we would have seen insane prices for sure, but would have come crashing all the way back down without (or even with) product development. So I think the timing was about OK, though maybe even a bit later would have been alright, and avoid that 20 cents spike that everyone now goes on about as if it is where we “should” be at.

I think I’m right in saying they have taken measures to try and counter excessive pumps and dumps?

Who cares what the price is today if they aren’t going to sell?

Too many people are still looking with 2017 Crypto Eyes and not with 2019 Crypto Eyes. Me, I prefer Bette Davis Eyes.


The announcement tomorrow is said to be a higher priority than releasing the interview RE recently did! Very interesting…possible country launch :slightly_smiling_face:


Oliver was a great hire by ETN. I like that guy. He listens and responds candidly.


I live in the US and bought ETN with no issue. What are you referring to?

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Liquid exchange will come to the US in January 2020


That’s awesome news!! I wonder with ETN/USD pairings?


I think the key sentence was…fully licensed and regulated US Exchange.

Protecting the investor under us laws and regulations.

Not every US investor is keen to hand over idtenity docs or acess to their crypto assests to an unregulated exchange located outside of US jurisdictional law.


Understood, I guess I have not been new to crytpo in awhile and have not had to try and sign up for any exchanges in a while.


I only deal with Liquid and Coinbase now :slight_smile:


Yeah, it’s a little dificult to signup on exchanges now from the US. I haven’t tried in awhile, but the last couple I did try awhile back was a no go.


I seem to recall some splash screens with notice that accounts from the US were not allowed, can’t recall exactly or which exchanges they were.

I detest those notices heh.