Feel free to discuss ideas and the craziest theories that our favorite crypto project might be up to.
Remember: This is all speculation, please use your own due diligence.
Feel free to discuss ideas and the craziest theories that our favorite crypto project might be up to.
Remember: This is all speculation, please use your own due diligence.
The ability for users to pay for server hosting by Electroneum (or a particular partner!) using ETN, for small apps. Perfect for advancing tech, and importantly skills they can offer via the Gig website, in the developing parts of the world.
The server’s hosting could even be done using downtime across the host’s servers, leading to essentially free income (aside from power usage being increased).
I like it! Moon, yes! Squirrel, definitely!
Damn… that is … a really great idea! @ETNCEO needs to read this.
I’m an idea person, what can I say
Can I have exclusive rights to your ideas for this thread?
Hah! I like the idea of letting them go, for the betterment of all. My psychosis keeps me from being able to work, otherwise I’d be capitalizing on them myself
The 2 big secrets is:
Virgin. It will launch sometimes between 15-20 feb.
At the show Nokia with ETN app install.
promoting of Gig Guru launch in late mars
If that is not correct i got a boring prediction:
1.They launch the back office fore ETN for companies…Boring for us, but the most important moon step ever for crypto.
Cool thing is that this could be done potentially in a cloud of multiple servers being hosted by multiple parties. Brings the DAPP idea, without the pitfalls of low processing speed, unintuitive programming and deployment methods, etc.
Partners could be rewarded with ETN, with a percentage going back into the Cloud Mining pool.
Luckily you can use this thread to consolidate all your ideas.
I think your on the money with the bottom 2 … would prefer top 2 but i honestly think it’s going be another quiet mwc…
But whats these 2 secrets
A game
New security system
New app
Desktop mining
Still.waiting for one early one … as you know its been mentioned lol
Didn’t Ells mention he had a contact with a big mobile gaming company too?
Yup! That could be quite an interesting thing to launch, at an interesting time (MWC), given how huge the mobile game market is.
Fortnite i reckon or even cooler
Minecraft that we be a sweet tie in …
That would be cool. I like this prediction.
This brings me to another idea, actually.
A plugin/SDK for game developers to easily integrate ETN payments into popular game engines. e.g. Unity, Unreal. I’d say Android and iOS, but there may be issues with those platform’s ToS.