The Absolute Best Way To Make, Listing on and Buying From Exchanges Irrelevant Now

Its a universally accepted fact that the number one rule of sales is, “Make your product easy to purchase”. How does this apply to crypto?

  • A stand alone purchase distinguishes one coin from hundreds of others
  • Purchasing one coin to purchase another is a cost disadvantage
  • The exchange listing process is unpredictable with ambiguous criteria

For these reasons Electroneum Team should make coin purchase available via the app, a top priority objective. Being just another coin on an exchange is a hindrance to new users who know nothing about crypto.

Or give them a taste of some free one and aditional if they create some value for the others - via the GIG economy - offer some services OR via the vendors (some retailers) that will accept our lovely ETN. I think that there is way how to obtain more coins without buying at exchange - but you need to catch the OPPORTUNITY and GO FOR IT - and boost your INCOME and BUSSINES - its so easy just accept Crypto especially Electroneum coin (ETN) :wink:

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I agree that we need a easier way to buy ETN. Today the untouched marked, the people that dont have cryptos is huge and the way to reach that marked is simplicity. It is a race to get that market and the first crypto that gets it will be the new Bitcoin. ETN must always be the simplest cryptos to use with the biggest user numbers, the marketing must be strong and have a momentum. A winning point for ETN could have been a possibility to purchase ETN for fiat at the ETN homepage, that plugin could have been someone else that provided like Coinbase. And all could have been done with ETN look at ETN homepage, but the transaction was done at Coinbase, a robot trade. I can’t see that this could be difficult or undue bole. If that could happen it would have become a dream situation for all of us.


Both Dent and Crypterium have this facility so a more popular coin like ETN should definitely have it. Also would provide direct market penetration into countries with Government policy in limbo, such as India. @ETNCEO

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Hi Latroy, sorry to post here but yesterday you commented on my post about ELLIPAL hardware wallet. Unfortunately the post got removed? I am not sure.

Nonetheless, I am here to answer your question about how we can protect our brand against the claim that we might be stealing data.
Our wallet is completely connection free, meaning it has no way to connect to the network. If any chips were to be installed inside to steal data, there would be no way for that data to be transferred to us, hence making it no point in doing so. Also, we have invested a lot into marketing and developing our wallet to support more coins, our efforts would not be worth it if we resort to stealing information in the end.

If you have telegram, you are welcomed to join us and many others at
(Telegram @ellipalglobal) - sorry cannot post any links :grin:

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Thanks, Ill check it out