Technical Upgrade Recommendations

  • Fingerprint access to Android and IOS

  • Pay or Draw by NFC (Near Field Communication)

  • Network miner devices for ETN (Example: ASIC Miner)

  • Airdrop distribution

92c022a3ac5835d2a2f2 Welcome, and thanks, great ideas!


Welcome to the forums.

Fingerprint is a very good idea.

  • Pay or Draw by NFC (Near Field Communication)

What would we use that for ?

  • Network miner devices for ETN (Example: ASIC Miner)

There are asics for etn/cryptonight like the antminer x3

  • Airdrop distribution

The mobile miner is lieterally that

NFC would be a great addition for paying in a store. Much like Google Pay or Apple Pay or Samsung Pay.

You hold your phone up to a point of sale device, NFC is detected, you put in your PIN and ETN is paid to the store. This would eliminate having to open up your camera and take a picture of the QR Code.

Many phones dont even have NFC but pretty much every smartphone has a camera. Also you still have to put in your pin.

I dont think it should be a high priority adding this. I would rather advocate for a ETN credit card, since they can also provide touchless payments and dont even require you to have your smartphone with you.


I wasn’t advocating for only NFC. But having it has an option in addition to the QR code would be a good idea.

Does that need to happen in the near term? Only if a partnership requires it. Otherwise I agree, the current target market probably won’t care about NFC.

Edit: I also agree on the ETN credit card. REALLY want one.

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You really need to enable buying ETN straight from the app. I would use ETN if I could replace what I spend with out hassle.


This would be awesome for ETN, but bad for my wallet.