Store ETN securely offline?

I remember! Someone was talking about it online, in a group I belong to. That’s what made me check it out.

Well, stick with it. Frustration is a natural thing when you over think I guess. Getting burned by Cryptopia was a harsh lesson. Just wait until Gig Fair comes. Then the project will be laid bare in all its glory. I do hope whatever you see/want in from the project comes to you. Have a great whatever time it is where you are (I’m guessing somewhere in the USA,). Stay blessed as I like to say.


Thank you.

You too wTz1. :smile:

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Hey @LJsETN. I’m pleased you found out about crypto and ETN, and have invested.

If it’s any reassurance at all, I am not tech savvy at all, despite being into Electroneum and crypto. Yet I did manage to make paper wallets, using the electroneum101 guidance. You can make as many copies as you like - just print out more, and store them in different places, and you can store a copy on a USB stick too.

So if there is a fire at your home, god forbid, you might have an ETN paper wallet out in the garden, or at another place or in a safe deposit box for example.

Good luck with your investing, and it sounds like you are savvy enough to keep all your ETN holdings safe.


Thanks, SallyPinkHair. :smile:


Take look at AMA with Olivier Acuña Barba, PR Electroneum. Aug 18

Q. Is ETN team planning cold storage and if so when?

A. Yes, our head of blockchain Chris Harrison was explaining this to me the other day,
coincidentally. We will be launching an amazing, unhackable, 100% secure USBtype
wallet in the next few weeks.
Electroneum knows the ETN community wants a hardware wallet that is 100%
secure and easy to use as well as functional. They are very close to delivering. I
saw a demo last week, so I can honestly tell you that this will happen very soon.
Any exact date of GigFair release
Our Electroneum team is working very hard on the GigFair app and website. This
should be ready no later than the end of September.


“I can honestly tell you that this will happen very soon.” AMA was Aug 18

No worries for it should be ready 100% secure USB type wallet in the next few weeks.
AMA was Aug 18 :joy:


I want to point out Richard has stated the ETN wallet itself will have cold storage enabled though I’m not sure when that will come to fruition. It won’t just be the USB device that will have it, he’s said this in interviews a few times. Though I do love the fact they’re also coming out with USB type cold storage.

Also, the vast majority of people will not use paper wallets, that’s just fact. It’s cumbersome and inefficient safe or not. The average person isn’t going to want to bother with it. That’s why ETN’s wallet needs cold storage asap, hopefully Rich can give an update on it sometime soon.

I certainly won’t use a paper wallet myself, just not for me. If we want mass adoption we simply need to have robust asset security, no one should need to use paper for storage.

Here’s the first video this is mentioned, I started the video just before Rich goes into cold storage for the custodial wallet. Time stamp is 19:40


So, so happy to hear this. Thank you very much, MinerETN. :smile:


Thank you, J5Alive. :smile:


You’re most welcome, though it was supposed to be done sooner I think they pushed it back to get other things done first. I suspect we’ll see the wallet cold storage early 2020, but that’s just a guess. Still lot’s of infrastructure going into place right now and they had to prioritize and change up the schedule. I’d venture to say they were ok delaying it due to the fact despite not having wallet cold storage yet they do have robust security in place.


Just to add …

@LJsETN i store all my etn on the app . Not concerned or worried one bit. I use it daily no issues. :peace_symbol::heart::grin:


I’m old and all that, I still keep my stuff in paperwallets. «Not your keys, not your coins» :laughing:

I’d like to buy a hardware wallet too, when it’s ready and mature


You could make a paper wallet with a small amount of ETN on it and see (it’s easy).