Store ETN securely offline?

Well, I just tried to buy a Nano Ledger Wallet so that I can store my ETN offline and whaddaya know? Nano Ledger supports 1,000 cryptocurrencies, but ETN is NOT one of them. I couldn’t believe it!

So how do I store my ETN securely offline? Anybody know?

the paper wallet is safe!


I don’t want a paper wallet. I can’t imagine trying to do that, messing up, and then losing my entire investment.


Thanks, but this is certainly NOT a good thing. I lost plenty of ETN on Cryptopia and now that I bought more, the only alternative is a paper wallet? Oh boy! This is just terrible!
Had I known, I would never have invested so heavily. I thought I was doing a good thing, but it’s come back to bite me twice.

Are you telling me that most people who bought ETN have a paper wallet? Really? Everyone is so experienced with cryptocurrency that they are able to accomplish such a task without a hitch?

Hopefully, the price will go up and I can sell enough to at least get my investment back.

Ya know, I can’t tell you how disgusted I am. First, with the “MONSTER DEALS” that didn’t materialize, and now it’s paper wallet or nothing.

So ridiculous!

Before you complain… read and watch videos about paper wallets… is nothing wrong with that, is secure and is not complicate too… you should did that before. If you did you did not lost your money on Cryptopia


So. You know how to open an account on an exchange, trade for ETN, but after negotiating this cannot fathom a paper wallet? The nano ledger is coming no doubt; in the mean time why not have a look at this:

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So are you saying if my house gets robbed, or maybe there’s a fire, or hurricane, or whatever catastrophe, I will somehow still have that piece of paper with my ETN on it? Or should I make copies and give them out to friends and relatives who can’t understand why I have crypto and know nothing about crypto, and don’t even keep their own stuff safe?

Do you not see how bad this could be?

I simply don’t care. You can make copies and keep them all over the place. Even store on a USB. Do a bit of research and you will be just fine. Good luck, and if you get stuck this is the place to ask questions.


It can also be saved on a usb or more, which you can keep one in the car, one in the house, one at work of course with the password on it and I do not think you will have any problem

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First… you don’t need to keep this in your house… you can buy eg. a sefe box and keep there
Second… if is fire or huracane or other disaster even in ledger your servings will be f*…d :grin:
Look positive!.. becouse you can have hart attack or be hit by car and die and your crypto will be worthless


See what a computer whiz I am!? I posted my answer on the link about how to make a paper wallet. I’ll copy it and bring it here.

OMG! OMG! Hahahahahaha. Is this the simplified version?

Listen, I am a 76 year old Grandmother. You have no idea what it took for me to learn how to buy Electroneum on an exchange. Then Cryptopia got hacked and there went my Electroneum.
So I bought more on another exchange.

Let me tell you, there is no way I could ever possibly make a paper wallet. Had I known then, what I know now, I would never have invested in ETN. Monster deals, 20 countries before the end of 2019, paper wallet only, and on and on and on.

A lot of us aren’t super tech savvy. This is the place to learn from others. Don’t worry there is always someone around who knows how to help. Please excuse my rather brash response above.


Age is no barrier to anything. In fact I salute your progressive thinking for a mature person. As you have learnt how to actually acquire ETN, subsequently lost it on Cryptopia in the last few months and then even though we are talking months after the project metamorphosised into something much larger you bought more. You must therefore naturally have an opinion as to the possibilities this project presents financially right? Why would you buy back in after losing your coins if you didn’t think it was a good idea? I remember you posting some similar comments quite some time ago…:thinking: Anyway. If any of us can help you we certainly will.

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Thank you.

I bought more a long time ago, not recently. I just keep reading that people should never keep their crypto on an exchange and so I finally decided I should get one of those Nano Ledgers that they recommend. And then, I found out they don’t support ETN. :frowning:


It will come and in my opinion sooner rather than later. A fellow posted a couple of days ago that he had coded so that ETN can be stored on a nano. I can’t remember where it was said (probably on the FOMO club,) either way. At least keep your coins in the app wallet. I would be most proud if my grandmother was into crypto. Huge respect to you. You should be an ambassador and try to promote to your friends I guess you could say that by the simple merit that you have got on board that the project is starting to become adopted across borders be it countries, or even generations. :+1:t3:


Further to the last post. How did you learn about ETN?

Gee, thanks. How sweet of you.

My friends think I’m crazy for being into crypto. LOL LOL. I did get one cousin involved. No one else in the family understands that this is going to be the next “thing”. I believe our country and so many other countries are broke. I think in the future, people will be using crypto instead of money.

Let me think a minute about where I learned about ETN. I can’t remember at the moment.