Restoring Electroneum CLI wallet from paper offline wallet keys

Be sure to have your standard Electroneum address (public view key), private view key, and private spend key ready for this guide. All of these can be found on your paper offline wallet file or PDF printout.

If you need to download Electroneum CLI wallet visit this guide: Electroneum CLI Wallet Guide with Remote Node method

Step 1

Find the path of your Electroneum cli wallet (the folder where you extracted your wallet). For example mine is:


Step 2

Open a Command Prompt window. You can do this by pressing the Windows key + R, and then typing in the popup box CMD

Step 3

Now you need to navigate using the CMD window to the path of your Electroneum cli wallet. You can do this by typing:


It should look something like:

cd C:\etn-cli-wallet

Step 4

Now type in your command prompt window:

electroneum-wallet-cli --generate-from-keys=wallet

Step 5

You will be instructed to enter your standard Electroneum address (public view key), private view key, and private spend key. All of these can be found on your paper offline wallet file or PDF printout.