ETN Referral Code sharing

Here’s my referral code, running 24/7 50 + H/s



Zapraszam do dodania mojego kodu . Ponieważ razem lepiej się kopię wpiszcie ten kod 4D95BA Pozdrawiam wszystkich.

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6533B3 is my code :slight_smile:

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front-25538 ,
W “earn free coins” wpisujesz 4D95BA i zwiększasz szybkość kopania. Monety można sprzedać na giełdzie, testowałam już wypłaty. Jeśli nie działa aplikacja trzeba zainstalować najnowszą wersję. Jeśli nie działa apka w tle poszukaj jej i zezwól w menu ustawień baterii lub samej aplikacji. Polecam w 100…


Hi, I’m new at ETN.
My code, if you want to use it, is 46D7E7.

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Got another Code for you guys!! Mining 24/7!! 98496F, Thanks y’all, Cheers!

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This is not true.

They get a 1% boost on what they themself mine regardless of whose referral they use and regardless of how much the person whose referral they use earns.

It’s dishonest to make your assertions.

This post is kind of old. It was true at the time I posted it. Many things have changed.

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Please use my refferal code 5C34F5. I just need one. Mining 24/7.

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You should edit or delete your old posts.

Lol why? When I said that, it was true. I don’t understand why you read two months old posts, anyway. :smiley:

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Yep someone should create a round 2 referral sharing post.

Agree, feel free to use mine if you need, its 5C34F5.Mining 24/7.

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Here’s my ref. code >> BB85C8 << Enjoy [̲̅$̲̅(̲̅ ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°̲̅)̲̅$̲̅]

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24/7 mining feel free to use my code F585CF

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use my code my mobile 12 hours doing mining thnaks .

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Use this referral code to correct extra Electroneum

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Their extra earnings are not based on your 24/7 buddy, their 1% boost is on their own earnings.

Your 5% boost is however based on their earnings. Check the How does it Work link in the app.

I might have thought the same as you at one point.


Might as well add mine here - thanks if you use it :heart: