Receiving from paper wallet

New gripe with ELECTRONEUM…

I had retreated somewhat on my criticism of the painful user experience of dealing with Electroneum having waited as I did 16 days for KYC approval to achieve level 3 verification.

So over two weeks later and now I’m level 3 and my wallet has finally been unlocked so I try to import my offline paper wallets to the Electroneum app, the first goes fine except that the average time to process the transaction and have it in my wallet is seven hours!!!

Fine… I’ll scan all of my wallets in and wait…NOPE!


I have 6, So now I’ve got 42 hours to wait in seven hour intervals to get my paper wallets into the Electroneum app!?!?!?

This is not fast and frictionless operation and I don’t remember it ever being stated anywhere that paper wallets can only be imported one at a time, surely we can do better than this?

Thanks for the reply but for the average user, CLI or GUI doesn’t cut it.

And if transferring the safest method of storing ETN to the most common method of using it isn’t core functionality or priority then frankly I don’t think it’s fit for purpose… It should not be this difficult!

Rather than speeding up and making the management of funds easier, every step of dealing with ETN seems bloated, lengthy and cumbersome like you’re being deliberately slowed down.

Appreciate your opinion though, cheers!