We have many price prediction posts, but hopefully this is a little different.
What do you think the price realistically should be if all 350 million unbanked smartphone users have and use electroneum on a regular basis? Try to factor out all personal and market sentiment in this prediction, and assume the crypto world has grown past all that by this time. Please post your reasoning.
I’ll start with an easy example: I predict… $150! This is taking the “$3 Trillion Opportunity” (as stated on website) and dividing it by 20 Billion circulating ETN (rounding down for simplicity).
Is really hard for etn to reach 150 .
Imo 0.5 would be the best scenario.
We are moving on the bike while the others ( like us ) are moving by car.
My prediction for 2022 is around 0.5-1 at best.
All depends on the market and btc in the end.
“Stability” in a New Generation of Cryptocurrency.
Can you Speculate?
I cant.
I dont believe anyone can.
This is Crypto.
Anything can happen.
Everything uaually does.
Well honestly, I think that with “3 tril” market and fully operational few years in the future around 50 - 100 quacks per etn is going to be pretty stable and longterm price with some smaller %gains and drops.
Thats atleast my thoughts and I think it is certainly very reachable to be stable at 100~$
my formula is
active users * active users / registered users / 1000000.
so if there are 100mill active users and 350mill registered users then the price is 100m * 100m / 350m / 1m = 28.5
active users are who sell/buy ETN. Non active users are the HODLers. Active + non active users are the registered users.
I have no idea what the price could be if we had 350 m users but I’m going to be super conservative and speculate that it could reach £2 in the next 1-2 years with 20+ million users. I don’t know if we can ever remove market sentiment as a variable.