Quick Way to Check and Filter ETN Related News Articles

Hope it’s OK to mention this here (too)!

If you haven’t yet visited our Library, we’ve built it to enable quick and easy access to as many ETN related news/press articles, videos, etc. as possible.

Apart from having all articles collated in one place (and without you having to find and bookmark every single one of them yourself), a further advantage is that you can also filter and search (just start typing words such as ‘KYC’ or ‘Richard’ in the search bar) all entries quickly and easily. Then just click and “go”!

Come and see for yourself! ; ) We think it’s pretty handy!

Very accessible, big improvement! Well done guys!!!

Thats awesome @Peter_DIR :open_mouth:

I think we will see too many articles to keep track of. Here is just a screenshot of doing a past 24 hours news search for Electroneum.

Slowly ETN is getting well known @Aironeous :blush:

Well, we’ll do our best—and if we can’t include everything, it will be down to editorial decision! ; )