Party For Electroneumners By 2025

Count me in 52


$35 easy until 2025! Until then, head down and may the force be with us!

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I am in, add me to the list :slight_smile: IT should be at ETN headquarters that’s what I think lol Have Richard come out and say a few things rally up the crowd! How much fun would that be!!! A lot that’s how much!!!


Been to Steenderen And Amsterdam this year :slight_smile: Love your country


Can we meet in Holland? It would be a nice chance to visit her again.

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The place would be announced soon

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No, we do this in the US on July 4th. Celebration of Independence from British. We are declaring Independence from the International Central Banking System and the garbage fiat currency we have today.


Another one, and it’s time we stop working for the government

I want to work only for myself. Fuck the government.

If you are American (USA) there is nowhere on this planet you can go to escape the gubbermant.

Not even if you are the Mayor of London… You are absolutely OWNED by the Gubberment.