OEX exchange is live!

We’re now listed on @oexcom, Singapore’s most recognised #cryptocurrency trading exchange, considered a top 20 exchange; OEX is the latest in our new exchanges, exposing us to a whole new market of cryptocurrency enthusiasts. Learn more about out latest exchange partner at http://oex.com and stay tuned for our future PR releases.

(Did you know: Friday the 7th of September is OEX’s first Birthday? So why not head over to their social channels and wish them a happy birthday!) #HappyBirthdayOEX

We understand that many of you will be wanting to sign up as soon as possible, do look out for future support/ help/how to posts on our forum for any assistance. Link has now been updated please see here: OEX How to sign up

Perfect. Another exchange. Will need it for all that demand in the future.

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Happy to have 13 exchange on board. I tweeted about this news: https://twitter.com/cechv2/status/1037982057555800065


Great to have OEX exchange on board for the Etn journey.
Many things coming ahead.

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Great to see another exchange. Allot of people expect a price jump when this happens, but keen in mind, we are not focusing on the existing crypto users (who dont pump their BTC into ETN) we need to wait for the team to do some real marketing to get investment from people who are NOT yet in the crypto space. When this happens, volume and price will steadily increase.

I cant wait to see how the team are going handle the marketing side of things! :slight_smile:


Another victory for the holders. More high volume exchanges mean a more stable price, less susceptible to manipulation.


Its a great news !, but I think the opening of liquid exchange is a bigger deal that need its own official announcement


It would be nice if they market but to attract more users especially the unbanked. This will increase the traffic of users and eventually open the doors the other markets.

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Keep up the good work Richard and the ETN team! keep the exchanges and good news coming :sunglasses:


Good news … Greats etn team :slightly_smiling_face::slight_smile:️:slight_smile:️


One by One, Keep them coming! :joy:


We are the best. Go ETN.


Is it gonna have a significant impact on the market capitalisation?

Liquid is more a rebrand, upgrade and combination of two existing exchanges, one of which ETN was already on (Qryptos). There was no big announcement because we were technically already listed on it prior to the launch.


Coinmarketcap havent updated the market yet… someone inform them plzz

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Coinmarketcap sadly seems to be kinda slow in updating everything but they will do it sooner or later :wink: unless the ETN team has to update it themselves :thinking:

Keep going ETN. I believe ETN will be available in Binance and Bitfinex !

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From all I could research yes.
A post came up on “Fight the dump club 2”
I verified it from a couple of other sources.
Go you good thing!