MR.Richard Ells interview

Please, share your opinions in this topic about richard’s new interview. what did you discover in the interview which would be interesting for our community.
i think, that we are investors of the company which can become next paypal and more in the near future, but they need time, as richard told us etn is only one year old. how we can demand them more in that tiny period of the time?
at the end of the post i have to say that at least in one year we definitely will see viral growth of etn !!!
this is my conclusion and prediction, please share what is yours!

Tony Anto:
Il mio parere è molto positivo su electroneum, e non deriva da simpatie o intuizioni trascendenziali, ma da una semplice valutazione approfondita di tutte le notizie disponibili fino ad oggi accessibili da tutti. Poi se altri hanno poteri sensitivi da dare certezze sia in positivo o in negativo, buon per loro, significa che non avranno nessuna delusione nella vita.:rocket::full_moon::zap: se vogliamo veramente cominciare a vedere le cripto usate in mass adoption occorre per forza maggiore passare per una regolamentazione, cosa che è obbligatoria per fare affari o meglio collaborazioni finanziarie con le aziende di vario genere che per necessità di esistenza devono sottostare alle leggi in vogore relative alla gestione delle entrate e le uscite finanziarie. Per cui doventa ovvio che Electeoneum è diretta verso questo obiettivo più di ogni altra cripto esistente, e questo è evidenza. Poi se l’obiettivo essendo molto ambizioso diventa pure molto impegnativo da raggiungere, non è un problema di etn, mi sembra chiaro, ma del vigente sistema economico. Richard ha dato un’ottima chiarificazione di ciò che significa integrare le entrate in cripto in una contabilità ordinaria con valute fiat, e da questo si evince che non avrebbero mai potuto proseguire senza kyc e senza una semplificazione di tale contabilità. Il potenziale di etn è esplosivo e credo che solo le persone che valutano superficialmente non realizzano quello che si sta cercando di portare avanti. È impressionante!


everything is clear:joy::joy::joy:


I believe this will be difficult even for @Stefo to understand this. :rofl:


Ahhahaahah yes, i can hardly understand italiano!! :joy::joy::joy::joy: so, forma reality @Tonyanto say what i say often about electroneum’s projects. I think in any case that will grow in the future because there are great ambitions behind etn. Is the very first time in my life that i don’t have any doubt in the future success on something that is going bad, probably the only thing that i don’t doubt is when i do pizza :sunglasses:.
About the interview, as Tony wrote, is passing by regulamentations, and we know that international laws are very hard for a newborn company with ambitions, because also antitrust laws, and we know about bitcoin that is used also for illegal things. This night i’ll see again the interview, but with subtitles, finally, so i can understand whole arguments


Sono completamente d’accordo :grin:
Free tip ->>>> HERE :thinking:

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My opinion is very positive on electroneum, and it does not derive from sympathy or transcendental intuitions, but from a simple in-depth evaluation of all the news available up to now accessible by everyone. Then if others have sensory powers to give certainty whether positive or negative, good for them, it means that they will not have any disappointment in life. if we really want to start to see the crypts used in mass adoption it is necessary to go through a regulation, which is mandatory for doing business or better financial partnerships with companies of various kinds that for necessity of existence must comply with the laws in vogore related to the management of revenue and financial expenses. So it is obvious that Electeoneum is directed towards this goal more than any other existing crypt, and this is evidence. Then if the goal is very ambitious also becomes very challenging to achieve, it is not a problem of etn, it seems clear, but the current economic system. Richard has given an excellent clarification of what it means to integrate the revenue into the crypt in ordinary accounting with fiat currencies, and from this it is clear that they could never continue without kyc and without a simplification of such accounting. The potential of etn is explosive and I believe that only people who evaluate superficially do not realize what they are trying to bring forward. It’s awesome!

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Sorry! I was thinking of an instant translation … But I know that for instant we have only the payment of etn😜


Sorry! I was thinking of an instant translation … But I know that for instant we have only the payment of etn​:sweat_smile::blush:


Ahhahaha io ho capito perfettamente quello che dicevi. Pure io ogni tanto mi perdo nelle traduzioni


The things we have to stay with etn until they done signing those deals and we’ll start asking for returns on our investment


For sure (fgjsfhhvjngbh)

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Yes we must give our best our very best to electroneum

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