Yeah I found paper wallets created another world of paranoia I had to overcome.
I think a paper version stored in a safe place is a good start. But, I’d recommend thinking about storing copies of paper wallets securely offsite. Rather than printing, you can always encrypt the original files and store them on a removable drive. You need to consider the scenario of what happens if such as device fails though.
I keep 2 copies of paper wallet safely in 2 different secure places.
I also keep a full up to date wallet data with a very strong passphrase (35-50 characters) on my google drive or on USB. Wallet data may change as new version of client release. So I do make consistent back ups just in case.
The probability of someone breaching wallet data with such strong passphrase are next to none. If my paper wallet was to burn. I may still turn to my backed up wallet data and copy files over to client directory.
Private keys can be viewed with a command as long as you have access to wallet data.