Most secure methods storing your Electroneum

  1. Paper Wallet (Electroneum Paper (offline) Wallet generator Guide)

  2. my.electroneum Browser Wallet ( or

  1. CLI Desktop Wallet (Electroneum CLI wallet guide with Remote Node method)

We have been through about security, we have notified you, we have provided for you.


  • Please DO NOT store your coins on exchanges for prolonged time! Exchanges are the least secure method of storing your Electroneum.

Paper wallets all day …


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Are you not worried about losing the paper / codes etc…?

This is something I have wondered where I hold other coins that don’t have such a polished and secure web wallet.

How do you guys keep your offline stuff safe from loss and/or damage?

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I keep a copy of my pdf on a USB drive in my safe


I will tell you one thing. To me I find either method listed has a good way to store coins. ETN wallet Online OR Offline.

Why you ask it is totally simple. If the ETN wallets were to get hacked you can forget about that paper wallet holding any value.

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Yeah I found paper wallets created another world of paranoia I had to overcome.

I think a paper version stored in a safe place is a good start. But, I’d recommend thinking about storing copies of paper wallets securely offsite. Rather than printing, you can always encrypt the original files and store them on a removable drive. You need to consider the scenario of what happens if such as device fails though.

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Thanks for the post cuddlesquid.


Is ETN accepted on ledger nano s?

I keep 2 copies of paper wallet safely in 2 different secure places.

I also keep a full up to date wallet data with a very strong passphrase (35-50 characters) on my google drive or on USB. Wallet data may change as new version of client release. So I do make consistent back ups just in case.

The probability of someone breaching wallet data with such strong passphrase are next to none. If my paper wallet was to burn. I may still turn to my backed up wallet data and copy files over to client directory.

Private keys can be viewed with a command as long as you have access to wallet data.

Rach, much welcome.
@Lotusway, no not yet.

Also, am very sad and sorry for all of you who lost coins on Cryptopia.