Have we any hope?

Have we any hope of the price getting to the point where we will all get a better quality of life by either being able to spend the ETN or Convert to Fiat? Have all of us actually had the luck to be a early investor in something great? Almost Bitcoin-Esqe investment. Or have we all invested in something that means well be stuck to the grindstone like alot of humans these days until were at least 70.

Me? I’m not sure. I think that it will be constantly sold by vendors and personally believe we wont see ETN’s ATH for a very long time, I’m talking years.

What beliefs to people have? What reality have we got of getting a decent price again when tons of people are gonna sell when it even hits $0.01 let alone 0.10

I believe in the team otherwise I wouldn’t have invested but there are defo times I worry this project wont get where I’d love to see it go. Not without another Tether-Fueled Manipulated Crypto Market.

Fingers Crossed, We Can All Build Better Lives for Ourselves from Believing in ETN Early

This coin is beeing manipulated since day 1. All the crazy transaction with 1 ETN occured on kucoin just to drag it down is the best example. On coinbene happens the same.
Regarding your post, when the supplies will become less than etn will look how every1 want.
My prediction for Q4 2019 is roughly 0.03.

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Unfortunately we are the worst performance coin in the market this year - ETN lost 96% of it’s value and we still didn’t see the bottom. ETN TEAM what we should do-What is your plan to support the price if there is any.
Switching back to ASIC was a good idea buy double the block rewards was the biggest mistake ever -The miners are killing us. I have 1 million coins and I’m very close to put them for sale


grab a chair, ETN is a long-term investment


ETN is about solving a major problem in the world and has the support of mobile phone operators. Mass adoption is the key word here and nobody has set about putting a plan in motion like ETN. They say Rome wasn’t built in a day and I dont think it was built in 9 months either. Though I could be wrong, my history isn’t that good.


we are starting to spread…Screenshot_20180628-005754


Can they just move decimals? Surely not…or did bitcoin for example start as coins. Then decimalise (if thats a word).

I wish I had a million, because I think I understand the plan :slight_smile:

Don’t worry about that. Just hold, buy and hold. Holding is the only solution if you believe in ETN.
Did I mention holding ?


Right. The only thing that will change the price is if investors value it more. There is some interesting discussion about the fact that networks are valued by the number of users. I’m not sure if that applies to crypto, but if it is, ETN has a bright future for investors.

You cannot have 50m active users and still trading under 1$, the higher the users the higher chance of the demand for the coin…

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One can certainly hope. We are in uncharted territory, though.

when we reach 0.10$ other investors will start buying and they will buy all the way up and taking what the holders sales up to 1$ because it is still cheap. Before that can happen we need to pas 10m users and have a user growth of 27k every day. The most important thing we need to kick of, is a way to get fiat in and out of ETN for everybody. To pas 1$ instant payment must be rolled out. We can also sit and wait for the ETN team to do the marketing and hope they are the best in the world in marketing, but this is a race, a race to go to the north pole or to the moon. I believe it is our job as investors to help ETN the best way we can. We are the best marketing agent in our local environment. we can help our friends and family to get inn. we can also teach people how to use it.

With ETN there is no limits for ups or downs, we decide the user number, we need to do the job. In another thread on the forum we talk about where we come from, it is all over the world. If we can see the world map with red dots where all the ETN investors are and there is a lot of them. we should make this red dots grow bigger and bigger. why market a coin? BTC was design after the last financial crisis to handle the next one, and it can, but ETN is a much better tool then BTC to do that jobb, and that is only one why ETN. I got five of my friends in to ETN so my red dot is growing. Every time you us a plastic card there is a risk of it to be scammed by something attached to the payment terminal, ETN is no risk. There’s so many good reasons for everybody to get ETN in to their local environment no matter where you live in the world, and the only one that can do that change is you. If we grow numbers locally the chans is that also the local telecom company will offer ETN, believe in user numbers and the price will follow.