I am really looking forward to the launch of this site. It will feel very satisfying to know that one is trying to help the more financially challenged of the world. I actually think this is/will be big news and has largely gone under the radar, thus far. Could it be one of the things that will be launched at MWC?
As for what I would be looking to buy…
a skilled website designer to build and maintain a professional looking site at a reasonable fee. This seems to cost way too much in the UK!
There are so very many creative people overseas that it would be great to have access to. For example; I have an interest in arty things. Various media, sculptures, (bronzes, wooden etc) and have to pay expensively through galleries. It would also benefit others to have direct access to the source of these goods and allow others to import and retail. The source could also make more margin, by reducing the links in the chain. A win, win situation!
I will be looking for someone with skill to do car wrapping or sticker design .
Example : i bought a Lambo and i want to wrap it ETN theme , i would pay someone with the right skill set to provide me with an ETN Lambo car wrap design.