Facebook coin - Libra. Is it ETN's killer or saver?

i partially disagree…because it will bring the word “cryptocurrency” to 3 billion people. How will it do “nothing” for crypto? It could increase the number of market participants drastically, could it not?

The number of FB users is not automatic guarantee for mass adoption. Not every user is interested in crypto. About the Unbanked? The statistics of FB users indicate that Asia has highest number of users with India topping it. We know the current fate of crypto in India. Users of FB in Africa is less than 10%. The target of the UNBANKED will end in the DEBUNK of FB. Already the Central Bank of EU has questioned Libra. Interesting years ahead! Regulatory requirements will be a big hurdle for Libra.

How many of them user are just kids lol.

Not many. Facebook is considered the old people platform. Kids use Instagram and twitter


Ouch, that really stung lol I was cool once, I swear.


Binance look at libra

my opinion , libra and etn is the different thing because etn mass adopting and pure targeting unbanked and Libra just sold their coin for profit , that in my eye about it but if etn not take seriously about Libra etn will caught up in user

i mean look what etn do , they build ecosystem on SA example and phone soon live on 20 country . real investors will be chose etn for long term not libra who can print coin as they want with no limit of supply

Jimmy Song said the first most important thing that a crypto must achieve is a large (engaged) community… (I’m paraphrasing)

And it’s true - you might think it’s the tech that matters most but that just isn’t true.

Given that Libra (god I hate that choice of name being one myself and as-pure a FB infidel as they come), is focusing on the unbanked - I definitely am concerned.

Many are saying that ETN is way ahead, that means nothing. In the first week Libra will far surpass our numbers. They could easily have 10 million on the first day (my semi-realistic/ optimistic hope is we, Electroneum, will have achieved 8-10mn by end of 2021/ mid 2022).

And they will attract the best and brightest Blockchain Devs - who have honed their skills and will know the good and bad in the dev cycle of Blockchain.

Do you really think they won’t figure out how to on-board the unbanked?

They will have the world largest marketing machine and the biggest budget.

They will attract the biggest partners - who will flock to their money machine.

We’ve all seen the Facebook movie… (again paraphrasing)"… it’s time to monetise…, …not yet…". Remember that ? Well that time, in its fullest sense, is imminent.

So why am I concerned? Because going back to my first statement - one thing truly matters - they have the biggest barrel of fish.

p.s. :heart: thanks @user109 for asking this in a reasoned and researched manner… Far too often, one line threads open with no engaging input or opinion on important matters.

I wonder what will happen to everyone’s $10m if it’s not successful??

Don’t forget that Facebook launched a digital currency a few years back for use in Facebook games etc… that really didn’t work. Are the conditions for them that different now?

A lot of people have commented on privacy, allegedly, this will be run as a completely separate entity and Facebook wont have any visibility of the transactions to use in their profiling. I wonder how long that’ll last if they start running out of money?

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US Congress is already discussing about putting a moratorium on Libra project. :smile:

Pos … lol


I would love to see the source of these statements.