ETN transaction

withdrew some coins from Kucoin to my web wallet, its been over 24 hours. Is this normal? is anybody else having this issue? is the blockchain slow or is this normal transaction times?

does the transaction leave the exchange? you can see it on the blockchain? Kucoin should be done in that time easy. Check wallet address etc. Log a call with support.

yes. it says 744 confirmations.

Maybe there is a slow down at ETN end. I noticed that the mobile wallet just updated again. Maybe one of the admins here can check it out

do you know who can i contact?

No but probably log a support call is the best way to start. I am not sure if anyone else has experienced slow downs. The link is at the bottom of the page.

Double check receiving addresses as well.

I had this problem yesterday. It took about day and half to see my ETN in the wallet. If transaction is approved on blockchain your fine, just wait. The app is sometimes slow :slightly_smiling_face:


maybe the issues with f2pool, blockchain would be slow.