ETN To Fiat Conversion plus other features on the app

@ETNCEO @Rach @BegaMutex

The subject topic has been a point of discussion since some time and we have a lot of thread related to the same. I want the ETN team to look at the below screenshot of Crypterium App. My suggestion is not to imitate them, however, its high time we implement features to our ETN App.

The login screen has a finger print accessibility.

See the option with regard to “buy crypto”. Purchase via fiat is currently on beta. Purchase via Bitcoin is live. Received an email from crypterium about how this will function.

"As received from the email:

App Updates

If you’ve been to our app lately, you might have noticed a new button. Yeah, that one on the upper left saying “Buy crypto”. Click on it and discover the easiest way to buy CRPT tokens. The solution we offer doesn’t even require going to an exchange. You can now purchase CRPT with fiat or Bitcoin straight through the app! Enter the amount of token you wish to buy and hit the “send” button. That’s all that is necessary for buying CRPT with Bitcoin. Fiat-to-crypto solution includes one more step — after you enter the number of tokens, you’ll get an invoice with the transaction details. Once it is paid, we’ll transfer CRPT to you in a second."

Steam Vouchers & Viber Vouchers can also be purchased. earlier they had skype, which is not showing now.
Phone top-up can also be done.
I am not certain, however, when I entered my number, it shows as UAE and allows me to proceed with the top up.
It also has the price of other leading cryptos like bitcoin, ethereum etc
Newsfeed is also there.

"As received from the email:

Your news source

We’ve also added a news section to our app so you can stay up to date with everything that’s happening in the world of blockchain.
What’s trending in the market? What’s being discussed among crypto community members? Just sit back with a cup of coffee, Crypterium is here to digest some of the top crypto news for you. For instance, you can read this article on traditional companies entering the crypto space, or take a look at one of our weekly World CryptoMap instalments."

Chat features are also part of the app.

I am aware of Richard mentioning that these features shall be added to the ETN app soon, however, it’s quite disheartening to see when others have already implemented them.

Below are the various links mentioned about the same topic.

I think they have this in mind and also have a plan when to do this.
I donno if there is any legal barrier or not but since we did kyc many doors did open up for us.

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Thanks for this post. I write in history some suggestions to the team (how to improve app - 2FA or more translations + currecncies… etc.) and post it here too my whole ticket. BCS if you are not quick other projects will have better growth or can be more succesfull than ours… We have massive 2,3 mil wallets and over 1 mil downloads but can have much more (viral grow) but we need to improve and be pioneer in crypto :wink: a lot of products copy our model - Stelite, Telcoin etc - if we are very slow by movements someone can easily kill us… Like competition who will be 1st on the MOON… Everyone remeber the state who was there 1st time…


I agree with this. If ETN wants to appeal to everyone, especially those that know very little about crypto and buying bitcoin then we have to have a direct way to buy or trade ETN for local currency. Once this is in place then everyday people the developing world find electroneum much more user friendly. Buying bitcoin etc and then send it to exchanges is difficult for the everyday person.

Wonder if we will be able to do fiat to ETN transactions now with the exchange pairings. @ETNCEO

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