ETN Silver coin, finally

Finally received my ETN silver coin. Very nice coin. If you did not order one please do. Imho, one day will be a great value.

Where do you get that?

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How much that cost and where can I get it??

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Did you pay it with ETN??

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Reading their website says only 5000 produced…
Where does the 10000 spring from?

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Grats on the coin. But I wonder how much the coin weighs and how much its worth in silver.

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Lookks like 1oz stamped on the coin so going on Fridays bullion prices US $14.69


I have #34, what number is yours?

Hi there,

I am late to reply but it is due to my travel and work. I do follow briefly all the time. I agree with your recommendation but depend on Richard and the team. My number is #89. I believe this silver coin will be a huge value one day, 5000 minted.

Actually is 5000 minted. The Maisie Raftery statement.

very nice coin:smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

I like those coin and one day i will buy a silver coin

It is little to expensive for my taste, I prefer buying ETN for its prise.