ETN Posters in Downtown Toronto

One of my friends own a sticker printing company (they can be a big as standard white sheets of paper) in downtown Toronto and I had this cool idea of promoting ETN by printing the Logo, name, and some brief but exciting details about ETN onto these stickers and stapling them onto telephone poles all around Toronto. Or tape them onto walls of busy streets!

There are two obstacles I face:

  1. I want to wait for IOS app to be released so that anyone who passes by these stickers can instantly download the app and earn free ETN
  2. I do not do graphic designs and I am not really artistic

Here is a template I made to work around. Sadly, that took an hour to make, which goes to show I am not that good at this, haha! However, I am opened to changing ANYTHING you guys from the community want on these stickers. OR BETTER YET, if there are already some online, send it to me and I will have no problem giving the graphics to my friend, pay him to print a CRAP ton, and go around one of the busiest cities promoting ETN for everyone to see!!! LETS GET ETN OUT THERE! ETN%20PROMO

I will need to stick these up down here in London, Ontario!

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Feel free to and please post some pictures for the community to see if you do! =D

That’s really cool @KyleFornia maybe ill spread some around where i live also :sunglasses:

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appreciate it, bud! Cant wait!

Stickers should be a great idea.
There should be stickers that can be bought at a low price and that could be distributed worlwide.
Payment for the stickers and shipping must be possible in electroneum.
I think small stickers are a better idea than big ones so they would be cheaper. SO people who want to promote etn would have more stickers for the same money.
It should be agreat idea of anyone of the community would have a project (selling and distributing) the stickers.