Hi All.
Our strong community has throughly got behind our Instant Payment feature and have developed plugins for website owners to accept ETN as payment!
Using our open API, you are free to develop these further or to make your own!
If you are a shop owner of Magento, WooCommerce or WordPress you can already integrate using the links below:
- Joomla: https://etncommerce.com
- Magento v1 & v2: http://etn.ota.co.za
- VirtueMart: https://etncommerce.com
- WooCommerce: https://wordpress.org/plugins/electroneum-instant-payments-for-woocommerce/
- WordPress: https://wordpress.org/plugins/electroneum-instant-payments-for-woocommerce/
The following are current in development:
- EasyDigitalDownloads: TBC
- JigoPay: TBC
- OpenCart: TBC
- PrestaShop: TBC
- Shopify: TBC
The following plugins require development. We offer bounties in return for your help, why not help the community and earn some ETN?
- Drupal: Developers required
- OmniPay: Developers required
- Wix: Developers required
If you have developed a plugin to allow website owners to accept ETN as payment, let us know below!