ETN Online Wallet, down right now

Just noticed the ETN Online is down for maintenance. Anyone else having this issue ? Thanks :smiley:

Viva ETN !

yes it’s offline but nobody said anything… :thinking:

Thanks Andi.

I wanted to see if it wasn’t just me !

Should be fixed soon I’m sure.

Do you know if I can send ETN out to a paper wallet still or has the KYC restrictions kicked in already ?

Yes I’m having the same problem, but I think it will be dealt with ruthlessly

Maybe I’m seeing this all wrong. But lets say someone has 1,000,000 ETN (I wish) and Fugazi is correct and ETn goes to $35.00.

If the allowance for withdrawals is $10,000 per month it will take 3,500 months to withdraw it all…

The average lifespan is 850 months. So I would need 4 full lives to withdraw all of it… I’m not a cat.

Is there a method to withdraw more than $10,000 per month put in place in case of a Fugazi event ?

kYC tier 2 is up to €10,000 KYC tier 3 is over €10,000


Ahh, oh ok. Thanks for the clarification.


I guess they’re probably installing the patch for the Monero bug they mentioned yesterday.

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Thanks guys/gals.

Very helpful. ETN community will be the best.

Looking forward to the Fugazi parties :smiley:


Okay, thank you for the answer!