ETN Arena - Gameplay

@etnbot roll 8d6 for a mighty blow against the elemental!

:game_die: 6, 3, 5, 6, 5, 1, 3, 3

At the time of your question
Cyclops : 39HP
Elemental 2 : 27HP
Elemental 3 : 50HP


Please choose a target to attack.

Hi! To find out what I can do, say @ETNbot display help.

@84cb62908bdae9b2c887 Deals a death-blow to Elemental 2, taking it’s remaining 27HP. 27 Affinity earned, 52 ETN earned.

Cyclops: 39HP

Elemental 3 : 50HP

+++Spreadsheet updated marker+++

Note: @thunder still to allocate his latest roll.

@ETNbot roll 5d6 attack on elemental 3

:game_die: 6, 1, 5, 3, 3

@kahvia does 18 damage to elemental 3. Gains 36 ETN

Elemental 3 has 32HP left.

Retaliation elemental

1: @84cb62908bdae9b2c887
2: @Thunder
3: @Kahvia
4: @Tim

@etnbot roll 1d4

:game_die: 1

@etnbot roll 2d6 for first of two rolls due to elf ability to take the lower of 2 rolls when damage is dealt against an elf.

:game_die: 5, 6

@etnbot roll 2d6 for second roll

:game_die: 5, 2

@84cb62908bdae9b2c887 takes 7 damage and has 226HP remaining.

+++Spreadsheet updated+++

@Thunder still to choose a target for his roll.

elementall #2 please

@thunder, elemental 2 was killed by the death-blow from @84cb62908bdae9b2c887 . I’ll apply your attack to Elemental 3.

Elemental 3 takes 17 damage. Thunder gains 10 affinity and 34 ETN.

Elemental 3 has 15 HP left.

Retaliation elemental

1: @Saint_Crypto
2: @Thunder
3: @Kahvia
4: @Tim
5: @84cb62908bdae9b2c887

@etnbot roll 1d5

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:game_die: 5