Heeeheee, yeah.
78% is just " slightly " having the upper hand!
Great win for Electroneum and all of the dedicated investors here in this truly amazing community!
Excellent news. How many exchanges does that make now?
It’s the GBP/ETN pairing all us Brits are patiently waiting for. Can’t wait for that to happen.
Missing from exchanges list on CMC
bitalong https://www.bitalong.com/trade/index/market/etn_btc/
btcsquare https://www.btcsquare.net/exchange/ETN/BTC
coinspot https://www.coinspot.com.au/buy/etn
cryptonit https://www.cryptonit.net/en/exchange?pair=ETN-BTC
Artis turba https://www.artisturba.com/
Coinbene Brasil http://www.coinbene.com.br/
palitanx https://palitanx.com/exchange/BTC-ETN <---- inactive?
and I think NEXT is trading to some degree but still in beta.
And now this one
Great news!!! Strong foundation and access to ETN for 2019 BOOM time!!!
Thank you for this
Need to have a full list of this available to everyone so they can use these exchanges.
Maybe someone can suggest CMC to add missing exchanges and than we can add there too into our app…