Another good little article from nulltx.
A mighty shoutout to @Egg is within…
Thanks Egg!!
I dont mind their journalists.
More good FoMo for the insatiable Electroneum Appetite.
Bon Appetite !!
Brilliant article @Pahini thanks for the share , it’s nice to see some positive news rather than the fud .
The Best part of this article is seeing some of the people like @Egg who quietly maintain the spinal cord of Electroneum…There are so many others.
@MSystem may care to fill us in on the others.
Thanks Team Electroneum…you guys&gals fully rock!
Yeah @egg is amazing . Some of the stiff he posts are just crazy numbers letters etc and they made etn .
I understand what etns about but the coding side just … I have no idea at all and I used to build p.cs etc for fun … hahaha
Very clever people…
Do i feel some moon dust in my nose??
It could be …
It’s in the air most definitely…
They cant defer the SEC meeting again.
A decision must be reached within the (240 day ?) Time period.
Some sort of regulatory framework must be “laid on the table”
Trump appointed one o f the three Judges who is pro cryptocurrency…for good reason.
Good enough reason for @Tanwax to FoMo…again.!
Tanwax does like the fomo hahaha …
Yes, that is very interesting, for btc and all that lean on the gold. .
@Tanwax cannot stand fomo…
Mornings btw .
Mornings magico, i have alot to do, but will be more on tonight.
Isnt it end of february, hehe. What a timing…
Yeah all near the end
24-27th is going to be heckers
Its like the world blames bakkt for deferring.
They had to.
Till the SEC
Gold @JonneHex?
That chart might look even more alike on 200.000$
Every time weve had an SEC meeting coming up ,
Bitcoin jumped.
Except for the one just recently I think.
I think we expected it.
Tanwax has FOMO I need some ETN…
Tanwax, Be good dog, dont over eat
Im done with fiat after this morning…
Very well done.
Too Late all chips and doughnuts are gone I am working on the popcorn and brownies now.
Ooooh Brownies…peanut butter?