Electroneum on the periodic table!

  • A rare, mineable metal found in mobile phones.
  • Belongs to the CrypoNight group on the periodic table and is believed to be an isotope of element XMR.
  • Shines bright when held in the moon-light.
  • Has a stark reaction whenever coming into contact with element FUD.
  • Current known uses include buying airtime and other goods, and exchanging it for other metals (though not recommended). Research is being performed that will make it usable as an enablement medium of exchange for the unbanked.

At last the universe makes sense.


You learn something new everyday :slight_smile:

did you guys spot where the precocious ETN element is on the table, its there you gotta find it !!

lol yes 57-71


this is nice… you did a beating here :hugs:

:joy::joy::+1::+1:…Very Nicely put…

I like this table i still think ETN is the best on the table :yum: