Electroneum Fork Soon?

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I still don’t see it on github as a new release. I see 2 commits only. it means if you want to have the fix right now you should download the sources and compile it yourself

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I tried to compile it on win10 and failed. opened an issue about it on github

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my coins are in CLI wallet. should I wait a year to be able to use them?
edit: there is a v2.1.1.2 release tag being pushed right now on github, hopefully problem solved. I don’t see binaries yet

I see only GitHub.

Got a link? …

on top there is “show 2 newer tags”. when clicked you’ll see v2.1.1.2 with 2 downloadable files but those are sources only


I started one earlier…

Is this an official release now?

Edit, ok I see it is… :slight_smile:

when you start it, it will print the old version number and version name aug. 2018. uf you check tge latest source you’ll see the version number and name was not changed. see here in master branch

@lkelemen try using the older 1.69.0-2 version of boost as 1.7.0 seems to be conflicting with a lot of these monero clones right now…

P.S. they seem to have also added the binaries to the github so you might not need to do this if you keep struggling, but give it another try…

I tried to install the earlier version of boost but couldn’t figure out how to set it so that cmake finds it. anyway now there are new binaries so I don’t put anymore effort to compilation. it should work out of the box as it is described in readme.md but it doesn’t

win64 binaries downloaded (note it’s named Electroneum ‘August 2018’ (v2.1.1.1-release but that does not really matter). Resyncing the blockchain is going to take a while :smiley:

I also downloaded the binaries and synced. seems to work fine

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Did you resync it from block 0 or pop off enough blocks down to V6 fork height (what blockheight was that again?) I started from scratch

I just started it as usual without extra parsmeters and at some point it made a long reorg of blocks. Should I give some extra parameters and retry?

Chris told us to resync the blockchain from the v6 fork or from the beginning

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Yes I read that but there is no instruction how to do that so I just started the deamon as usual

that would imply deleting the database (start from scratch) or delete a few thousand blocks from your current database a little below the V6 height (what ever that was)

electroneum-blockchain-import --pop-blocks 300000

Not sure how many blocks to delete (pop) to get somewhat below the V6 fork height, but deleting the past 250000 blocks off the database seems to be plenty

well syncing from height 0 would take at least 2 days for my PC. I don’t know the height of v6 and I don’t know how to delete blocks so I will do it from scratch tomorrow

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300000 was about the middle of last year that should be enough. Im also gunna let it do its own thing for a few days. :slight_smile: