Electroneum Exchanges

Indacoin seems to be down atm, i have contacted them which they have said the issue is with hitBTC but when i spoke to HitBTC all operations are running fine…

Any other methods where i can just buy direct with GBP ?

Does anyone know if Cryptopia is back up and running I would like to buy as I have FOMO

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I’ve just posted a thread in “ideas and recommendations”, in regards to get Electroneum listed on covesting for free, you might want to check that out :sunglasses:

hitbtc is still not listed on the:


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Dose any one know what the best exchange for US participants is. Just wondering what the consensuses is here.

Liquid is by far the best exchange. For really big buys though I’d go to kucoin. I wish liquid had more volume. Maybe someday.

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Hey there! Another Exchange - Swapzone, has also listed $ETN onboard. Swapzone is actually an exchange aggregator which compares rates from over 10 different exchanges and allows you to choose the best the ones.

Do you consider integrating with Changehero?