Downloading blockchain through gui wallet

i have enough network speed to download the blockchain but it always failed to download after around 7 gb is downloaded. download speed reduces to 10 kb per second after 8 gb and then it completely stops in 11 gb

i clicked on something like extra features i don’t remember


i have selected advanced mode btw i checked file size from the file explorer

i didn’t turn off my pc yet and it downloaded only 300 mb in one hour

i couldn’t find the tutorial

here Importing the Blockchain to Electroneum CLI

i created custom blockchain wallet directory while creating wallet what should i do now?

should i do this from etnd exe or cmd?

2020-06-14 14:25:37.558 4832 WARNING blockchain.db.lmdb src/blockchain_db/lmdb/db_lmdb.cpp:78 Failed to open db handle for m_hf_starting_heights : MDB_CORRUPTED: Located page was wrong type - you may want to start with --db-salvage
2020-06-14 14:25:37.558 4832 ERROR bcutil src/blockchain_utilities/blockchain_import.cpp:926 Exception at [Import error], what=Failed to open db handle for m_hf_starting_heights : MDB_CORRUPTED: Located page was wrong type - you may want to start with --db-salvage

so what to do then? i can’t run daemon it stops constantly

@cuddlesquid help please

wish electroneum gave the blockchain file as a database file instead of raw thanks anyways

it’s 37 gb and it shows daemon synchronized whole blockchain is 37 gb?

on my PC it’s 45gb plus 20 :chipmunk:

oh no why it shows daemon is synced then

pls someone upload this file as mdb lol

it finished and started to download blockchain to C. this is working buggy as hell for me it wrote a lot of data going to kill my cheap ssd lol