Cold Wallet Hardware

Hi Everybody,

Etn paper wallet and exchange wallet external one hardware wallet produce.

I buying Hardware wallet.

In my hand 500.000 Etn available.Where storage I could not decide.

Paper wallet online wallet transfer too long time.Exchange hiding.

But I can not trust :sleepy:

Actually, at the moment, there isn’t still a hardware wallet that supports ETN.
If the paper wallet is too much of a burden for you, you should trust the online wallet, which is way better than storing your ETNs at an exchange.
Maybe in the future, other GUI wallets will accept ETN as well.
The wallet I trust the most is Exodus, and they accept new coins at every update, which takes place every 2 weeks or so.

I trust online wallet but KYC verification Turkey national id not enabled.
urgent transfer make exchange my not verification KYC not transfered.:sleepy::sleepy:

Over 100? Why bother? It’s not like you can’t hold too many coins in each wallet. :smiley:

I understand, but 100? :))))

Lol man, you’re bonkers! :smiley:

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lol @M-Kid thats insane do you even keep track of all of them haha

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