I noticed rewards has stopped, can I still mine with gpu or asic ?
Not directly.
http://etnasic.thorshammer.cc/# will let you use a cryptonight asic
http://etncpu.thorshammer.cc/# will let you use gpu or cpu.
How they work is to mine another coin and then do an automatic swap to pay the miner out in ETN
If you already have an X3 ASIC - then you can join the http://etnasic.thorshammer.cc pools as mentioned above - and it will mine other cryptonight coins that can be mined and pay you directly in ETN.
Otherwise if your have a powerful CPU or a good GPU http://etnpool.thorshammer.cc does the same thing. I run the pools, so you can ask me any questions about them.
Been meaning to get off my lazy but and join that pool.
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