Can I download the blockchain?

I am an HODLer and keep my ETN on the offline wallet. I update using electroneumd.exe every few weeks just to keep it synced. Recently got an error, which after doing some research is due to an error in my blockchain data. I could delete the file and start from scratch, but that would take forever. Is there a site that keeps a copy of the update blockchain, so I can download it?

Do not delete it yet, you can try to “pop” (delete) a few blocks from the tail of your current chain database.

Are you running windows binaries?
Close the daemon, and run
electroneum-blockchain-import.exe --pop-blocks 500

Then start the daemon again

The download-link to blockchain.raw is removed from the electroneum site.

Note: Last time I checked, official blockchain.raw was only up to block 260000 (not sure if they have updated it)

If you want to try (the file is still there):

Please do not download this 13Gb+ file unless you are sure you need it

Or as a last resort, I could export a .raw copy of mine (updated full node), and set up a ftp server for you to download it.
I believe this is still safe, because every transactions are verified with the node-network when you import (import takes like 2,5 hours at least)

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Hi CryptoMark,

Before overwriting your blockchain data try using the command “electroneumd.exe --db-salvage”. It has fixed blockchain database errors for me before.


you could try using remote blockchain with remote node method:

instructions are from here:


one thing you should do every week or month at your choice is to “export” the blockchain so you have a local “raw” copy that you can import should this happen, then you will always have a known/good copy waiting for you ready to import and update only a couple days or month out… helps speed the process up quickly without scrambling to find someone with a copy you can download…

I try not to export to the last block I have, in case something happens and the network rejects the last few blocks I had, so its best to leave a couple days off and stop at a certain block height so everything is well confirmed and set in stone, hence once a week I refresh my now 2 week old copy to be just 1 week old…

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