Buying ETN directly

With all the chaos on exchanges wouldnt it be prudent to provide a way to buy ETN directly and hold it in the official wallet ?
It would also help with the AML/CTF aspect

Why not ??

Would be a nice feature, but a huge regulatory nightmare to offer a service like that here in the UK. Who knows, one day maybe.


It would be great, however a quick buy and transfer to the wallet then paper wallet for security isn’t too terrible a job. Have a great whatever time it is wherever you are. :+1:t3:


It might well be a regulatory nightmare. But lets say i want to use Anytask. Right now id have to use an exchange to buy the ETN to use the platform. Its easy enough i know but theres a very large group of people who wouldn’t even consider it. It would just be a non starter. So imho any efforts to jump through whatever hoops necessary would be worth while. Having a UK bank as a partner who would facilitate the on ramp would be a giant leap , again imho

Good morning @user889

That is partly incorrect, to use The Anytask_Platform you can purchase a task with

Fiat or crypto. Crypto is ETN or BTC .