BADGES guru need HELP

Hello i want to ask you for a little help.
I am addicted to this project and ETN. As a lot of people know I want to obtain almost all BADGES here but need a little help / I miss a lot of badges from this section:

So i want to ask you for a little of time and some likes from you.
I am the only one who obtained 8times great share badge (for 1000 visits to link here at the forum) :
And create here a lot of topics and post. For example this one that gives me a lot of work.

But you can obtain only likes at topic in section non etn discusion.
So please touch the like button + touch the like button to my 1st comment here. I can obtain some more badges.
And i make it more intresting - write how many badges you have - I will pick some users that obtain 250 coins - total 4 users will be picked.
I need to abtain 50 likes on a topic and 50 likes on a reply.
Thanks to all for HELP.


Please like this coment to participate to Giveaway and if i obtain 50+ likes (on topic + this comment) 4 lucky users that will participate get 250 coins for time :wink:
And write too number of your badges collected :heart:
And dont forget together we are unstopable - we work as a one strong TREE
We are Electronians :bow_and_arrow: :bow_and_arrow: :bow_and_arrow:


you are a the best mr.cryptocz

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Ive got 34…

Good luck collecting more badges , and congratulations on being the top badge collector …



Thanks all for quickly help. You are more than awesome… i love that we break 6000 online users here from September… its just matter of time to break the user base from Reddit 21 000 users… :wink: so we need 15K more - so next 10 months it can be reality - so till the end of the YEAR i expect.


It should not be long to 6k …

We will be the biggest community ever !!!


We break it yet today you must click on today statistic - right now 6005


Good work @Mr.CryptoCZ.

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Strange mine still says

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I have 8 badges :smile:

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Congrats i too have in history that I realized that this forum is so awesome so i want to be at the top :wink:

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I seem to be confused or in error and unable to use the tweet button to send a tweet and earn the badge can you help? My tweet goes out but no badge green mark shows maybe I should be tweeting to someone else than myself ?

Best Regards:
Skratch ™